Saturday, January 16, 2010

1/16 - JIM is MIA

Sad news. Jim is missing.

The last time I remember seeing him was New Year's Day, at the movie theater. I called them this afternoon, but they haven't seen him. That doesn't totally rule out the theater, though. Jim may have charmed them into keeping him, or he could be lurking in the shadows, living off dropped popcorn, Milk Duds, and the glow of the movie screen.

I also suspect the cat. She's been fascinated lately with a recent addition to our household - a little green lizard puppet (see photo). I've rescued the poor little guy twice from her talons and razor sharp teeth. It's possible that she found and played with Jim prior to the lizard and lost him under the fridge or behind the couch, or in some other dusty, cat hair infested nook. Note the ominous gleam in Famous's eyes (see photo).
A third, more tragic option, is that I've misplaced him in all the clutter that is my life right now. What can I say? He's small. I really like the little guy, but I'm amazingly forgetful and lose things constantly.
And, there's always the possibility that he ran away with his New Year's fling. Oh, nevermind. She's here. Still smiling that same vacant smile. I knew she wasn't good for him.
It must be noted, too, that his scarf is also missing. So wherever he is, he's warm, at least. Small consolation.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Jim. Bad Famous. The lei was really cute and festive. Tell him for me, if he ever turns up.
