Saturday, April 2, 2011

3/21 - a sad and fun day

To make a long story short, I acquired a turtle, then found out it was an endangered species and illegal to keep as a pet in the state of PA, so I had to drive it to the Pocono Animal Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Strousburg. A friend took the hour journey with Jim and I to say goodbye to Tuck/Olive. There are no pictures of Olive and Jim because he was afraid of her. He said she had evil in her orange eyes, and he suspected she was planning to chomp off one or both of his antennae as soon as she got the chance. She never would have done that, but I guess it was better that he didn't, because he tends to get attached.

Anyway, so we drove out there and dropped Olive off and said our goodbyes, then decided to make a day of it and did some sightseeing and shopping. In one of the shops, Jim found this cow reading the newspaper. He got really, really excited and started talking a mile a minute and jumping up and down. I feared for the poor cow's safety. When I finally calmed him down enough for me to understand him, I realized all the excitement was about the "proper-sized" newspaper, and in between yelling "Super-duper!" at the top of his lungs (which was super-duper embarrassing) he was begging me to get him a subscription. I said no, that it's only for cows, and that they don't deliver to Scranton. He asked to have a picture with it anyway, and commented later that the rude, newspaper-hogging cow didn't even move over to let him sit down on the "nicely colored and proper-sized park bench." I didn't have the heart to tell him that none of it was real.

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