Saturday, October 16, 2010

7/2 - Go B-Mets!

I'd be remiss if I allowed Jim to live in the US for another year without taking him to a baseball game. Our nation's pastime isn't my favorite, but Jim really enjoyed watching the game. He went on and on, for days after, even, about the outfielders. Evidently he felt a kinship to them as it's their job to, as he put it, "dive into a sea of green" to catch wayward balls.

I really wish he'd take a page from Kermit's book and get off his green obsession. Not happening, though. Even as I write this he's jumping up and down because I decided to wear a green shirt today. "See?" he said, "you want to be like me, too."

6/25 - summer movie

I know this picture is hard to see. As you may have concluded already, I am not the best photographer. But, this pic was taken at dusk, and I wanted to get the effect of the movie projecting on the wall of the building, so this is what resulted.

Anywho, Jeremy and Quiana couldn't attend Jim's 1-year celebration bash, so they invited him to go to one of the Binghamton summer movies. I and several of my friends went with them. We saw Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom on a relatively warm summer evening, lying on a blanket under the stars. Pretty cool.

Jim liked the movie, but he did have one gripe with it. I guess the scene with the exotic food upset him. He said something about "embracing cultural differences" and "fostering gastronomical adventurousness" . . . . I just smiled and nodded. When I suggested later that we get sushi, he stopped talking about embracing cultural differences.

11/09 - Yummmm

Found this picture when I was moving all my digital images to a nifty free online storage site. I'd misplaced it.

Last year, just before Thanksgiving, my grandmother died. Jim accompanied my mother and I on a quick trip to Michigan for the funeral. We went grocery shopping while there, and Jim got all excited at the color of some of the bottles of soda. He insisted on climbing in the cooler to snuggle with the bottles, and then banged on the glass and mouthed, "Take my picture!" with an excited grin on his face.

We, of course, bought a bottle or two of the Sierra Mist with Cranberry to share with the family, and Jim tried it. While he was disappointed that the product itself wasn't green, he did seem to like it. I'll have to get more this year for him to have.