Tuesday, September 13, 2011

8/4 - a deep cleansing breath

This summer, I got to spend some time at a place that is near and dear to my heart - Hatch Lake. My youth group used to take retreats up there, mostly during the fall and winter, and I have such fond memories. So, when I got the opportunity to go, I took Jim along with me. The steps I used to sit on down by the lake are gone, and a few of the cabins look a little different, but it's still pretty much the same place. The feeling of the place was not lost on Jim. He seemed to genuinely have a good time and relaxed with everyone. No snippy comments or rushing in with awkward excuses for his rude behavior. He even asked politely that I take his picture actually ON the lake, rather than on shore looking out at the lake. Very particular, but since he asked nicely, I didn't mind. Maybe he's finally mellowing out some.

7/8 - One of the Wonders of the World

Jim finally made it to one of the wonders of the world!! He lazed about when we went to climb on the Great Wall (which was probably good because he would have been complaining more than I was about all the stairs), but he managed to make it to Niagara Falls. Evidently, staring at all that rushing water is mesmerizing to small green aliens as well. The most quiet I've ever known him to be. It was fantastic!

7/8 - Butterflies!

Since Buffalo is so close to Canada, and Canada has so many fun things to do, we decided to drive across the border to explore. Jim hid in my purse at the border. Not sure what they would have done, had the border guards seen a small, green alien at the crossing. Didn't want to chance it. One of the places we stopped was the Butterfly Conservatory. Breathtakingly beautiful, but you get nervous walking around because you feel that at any moment you're going to step on, run into, or otherwise crush one of those amazingly delicate creatures. Jim had a good time wandering around, making new friends. He introduced himself to the one in the left picture specifically because he thought she looked the most like "flying butter." About this one on the right, Jim said that she had the best idea - sunning herself on a rock. An activity he could definitely support. I could tell that Jim was sad to leave that place. He kept saying how wonderfully warm it was, and how much he enjoyed that the creatures were all different colors instead of "boring, ugly shades of tan and brown." And, I think he really liked that they were more his size.

7/7 - false advertising

While we were visiting my friend in Buffalo, we decided to go hiking in Zoar Valley. We chose the Deer Lick Preserve trail because it boasted vistas and waterfalls. Jim was excited about being able to lick the deer. He was so amazingly excited that I couldn't get him to listen to me long enough to tell him that probably wouldn't happen.
The hike was pretty. About 5 miles of trails wandering through the woods. We totally missed the vista, and the waterfall (in the picture) was a lot smaller than we were imagining. Jim enjoyed himself, though. He talked about hopping in my friend's sandal and floating down the rapids. He would have, too, if he'd had legs to kick off the rocks with.
Not surprisingly, we didn't see any deer, and especially not any Jim could lick. He was very upset. Grumbled under his breath the whole way home. The only thing I could make out was something about "false advertising."

Sunday, September 11, 2011

7/5 - Jim wants his pound of flesh

After the concert, Jim began begging me for more cultural experiences. I hesitated because the only reason why he didn't embarrass me completely that night was because the music was so loud. But, he wore me down. I really do like the little green guy and want him to be happy, despite my complaining.
The perfect cultural opportunity came when I went to visit my friend and former college roommate in Buffalo - Shakespeare in the Park! There is something really magical about watching the Bard's plays performed in the open air, the plot thickening as the sun goes down. Anyway, the play we saw was The Merchant of Venice. Not my favorite, but there were some rather attractive men in the cast, so that helped hold my attention a bit. Definitely not as enthralling as A Midsummer Night's Dream (which is fantastic when watched outdoors!). Thankfully, Jim hadn't seen A Midsummer Night's Dream with me, so the experience was entirely new to him. He was completely enthralled (yay!), laughing when he was supposed to laugh. I think he even shed a tear at one point. After the applause died down and we were walking back to the car, Jim declared the entire experience "super super duper," and that he wanted to do more cultural activities in the near future. And, because I saw that he was capable of behaving properly in public, I was a bit more inclined to entertain that request. Until, of course, he started yelling, "I want my pound of flesh!" out the open windows of the car on the drive home.
Oh, and Jim likes this photo because he thinks it makes him appear mysterious.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

7/1 - une petit alien vert

A friend of mine introduced me to this music group, Le Vent du Nord. They're a Quebecoise folk band, and they often have concerts near where I lived in NY. My friend kept telling me stories about her experiences at the concerts, and I really wanted to go to one. Finally, there was a concert I could actually go to (because I planned so far in advance), and I took Jim. I was hesitant to do so, mostly because I just wanted to sit back and enjoy the band without a little green guy bugging me or making an embarrassing scene, but I thought he might enjoy them.
Turns out, I was right. I think he may have enjoyed them as much as I did. Maybe more. He didn't even mind that he couldn't understand a word they were singing. My high school French faild me, as well.
I'm pretty sure Rejean thought I was totally insane, asking him to pose with Jim. Jim wanted pictures with all of the band members, but I couldn't bring myself to ask anyone else.

6/1 - the long wait

My sister came to visit this summer from her home in China, and my parents, Jim, and I went to the airport to pick her up. She was supposed to be flying in at 11, so we got up there early, around 10:30. Then we found out that her flight was delayed, and she didn't end up getting in till 2:30 or something like that.
My parents, Jim, and I ended up spending several hours at Denny's to waste time. My Dad got an awesome mango slush and my mom and I shared an appetizer sampler. Jim didn't eat anything. He said that a restaurant that didn't sell sushi wasn't worthy of his patronage. He was willing (no surprise there) to pose for a picture with my bleary-eyed parents, as long as my Mom promised to hold his hand.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

3/30 - Lake Scranton

Jim insisted on a profile shot - said it would make him look pensive. I tried to tell him that this was not his best side, but he would have none of it. He insists that all sides are his best sides. Who can argue with that logic?

Not sure if you can actually see him in this second picture. He's standing on the center pole, waving his arms around like a crazed thing. He tried to tell me that standing on the rock he dragged up there (a rock smaller than my thumbnail) would help. You be the judge. Once again, not gonna argue with the little guy.

This last picture, probably the best of the bunch (mostly because it depicts him behind bars ;) was taken at the other end of the lake. I had to lie down on my belly to get this one, but I think it was worth it. He was cooperative because of the "proper-sized" tree. Never knew he had a thing about objects being the right size for him.

3/23 - Lets Go Pens!

Who knew aliens like hockey? Well, at least one alien I know thinks hockey is super-duper. Maybe it's because he could yell random things at random times and people just thought he was a crazed fan. The only thing he didn't like about hockey was the lack of wasabi at the concession stand. No use explaining that sushi isn't really a hockey food. Oh, and he also didn't like the "seating Nazi" who wouldn't let us return to our seats during play, but I'm trying to block that loud, embarrassing scene from my memory.

3/21 - a sad and fun day

To make a long story short, I acquired a turtle, then found out it was an endangered species and illegal to keep as a pet in the state of PA, so I had to drive it to the Pocono Animal Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Strousburg. A friend took the hour journey with Jim and I to say goodbye to Tuck/Olive. There are no pictures of Olive and Jim because he was afraid of her. He said she had evil in her orange eyes, and he suspected she was planning to chomp off one or both of his antennae as soon as she got the chance. She never would have done that, but I guess it was better that he didn't, because he tends to get attached.

Anyway, so we drove out there and dropped Olive off and said our goodbyes, then decided to make a day of it and did some sightseeing and shopping. In one of the shops, Jim found this cow reading the newspaper. He got really, really excited and started talking a mile a minute and jumping up and down. I feared for the poor cow's safety. When I finally calmed him down enough for me to understand him, I realized all the excitement was about the "proper-sized" newspaper, and in between yelling "Super-duper!" at the top of his lungs (which was super-duper embarrassing) he was begging me to get him a subscription. I said no, that it's only for cows, and that they don't deliver to Scranton. He asked to have a picture with it anyway, and commented later that the rude, newspaper-hogging cow didn't even move over to let him sit down on the "nicely colored and proper-sized park bench." I didn't have the heart to tell him that none of it was real.

3/18/11 - Walk toward the light

This old, abandoned railway tunnel is somewhere in the coal-rich mountains of NE PA. Really cool (literally). Jim, of course, wanted his picture taken. I, of course, obliged (and got slipped on the ice that's out of the frame to get Jim in a good spot to get a picture). There was too much ice and water in the tunnel to risk getting my camera out to take pictures in it. Yes, it is that dark inside there. We had flashlights. A little tretcherous in the early spring, but definitely very neat. Though I must say, wading through water with giant hunks of ice floating in it is not something I want to do again real soon. Jim wants to go back ASAP, but he traveled safely and warmly in my pocket, so he doesn't get much say.

3/17/11 - Spring!

Soon after I took that last picture, Jim decided to hibernate. He's not the biggest fan of the cold, and his scarf got misplaced during the move in August, and he just didn't want to deal with the snow without it. So, he made me order sushi so he could have a bunch of wasabi (said the "heat" would keep him fueled), and curled up and fell asleep. He slept pretty peacefully (or rather, he slept and my life was thus peaceful for a while) til spring. In the meantime, I'd moved to Scranton to start grad school. Soon after he woke, Jim decided that walking to school with me would be good exercise after his long snooze, and he was happy (perhaps wildly, amazingly ecstatic would be more accurate) to see some crocus. I was pretty excited to see them, too. Naturally, he begged for a picture. The little guy never misses a photo op.

11/6/11 - Jim's visit to Cooper's

There are more pictures and stories from the summer, but since it's been so long and I'm so far behind now, I was thinking that I could just go from what I have right now, and add those later, when I have access to them again. Sooo... In November, I decided to pay a visit to Marywoond University in Scranton, PA. I took a friend who was familiar with the area, and she took Jim and I to Cooper's for dinner. Best crab bisque ever! Jim really enjoyed the decor, especially this porthole that was by our table. He really enjoyed the view. He sat, the whole meal, staring longly into the porthole. He didn't even stop for bisque. That's ok, more for me. Ever since, he's been begging to go back there for some more mer-time.