Saturday, December 26, 2009

10/6 - Jim gets his name

Since our return to the US, Jim has been my almost constant companion. He tags along everywhere I go, making new friends, gaining new experiences, and generally having a grand old time.

I realized early that we'd somehow have to come up with something to call him. You see, Jim is not his real name. Jim informed me when I met him that his given name was not going to work for us. Evidently, not unlike the mermaid "Madison" in Splash, his language is made up of sounds difficult for humans to replicate, hear, and interpret. On a visit to my class (I'm taking college classes part time and Jim finds the lectures to be "enlightening, though far inferior to the knowledge of my race."), Jim and I were discussing this name dilemma, and some of my classmates overheard. They joined in the discussion, offering up various alternatives, some of which sounded like that tribe in Africa that communicates with clicks. We all agreed, though, that it had to be something simple and normal and easy to say. Thus, "Jim" came to be.

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