Saturday, December 26, 2009

9/29 - back to the US

When it was time for me to leave China, Jim came with me. Rather early into our stay in China, Jim declared that he would "forsake, abandon, renounce, and otherwise throw off my ridiculously important, highly dangerous, totally amazing, mind-alteringly cool, and super-duper secret mission" so that I didn't have to travel home alone. He explained further, saying that he saw the number of creatures that were already staying with my sister, and wanted to lessen the burden of so many house guests. Both decent reasons, I suppose, as I'm not the biggest fan of traveling alone internationally and I did transport 12 creatures who would be taking up permanent residence with my sister. But, I'm pretty sure Jim was just nervous that he'd eventually get eaten if he stayed in China too long. He made his declaration the night after we'd gone to eat street food, some of which he'd said, in quiet and somber tones, looked like a few of his relatives, friends, and beloved pets back home. I didn't try to correct him, as the truth is that I'd grown rather fond of the little guy.

Jim proved to be a decent traveling companion, although he did hog all the pretzels.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, he hasn't since mentioned the "super-duper secret mission." I think the reason it's such a super-duper secret is because it doesn't actually exist.

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